Welcome to Transparent Space Therapy (TST)

Discover a sanctuary for healing and self-expression at Transparent Space Therapy, where Sandra Seraphin, a Licensed therapist with expertise in trauma and addictions, provides compassionate mental health services for individuals and couples.

About Us

Sandrina Seraphin, LCSW

Hello, I’m Sandrina Seraphin, a licensed Clinical Social Worker and I’m honored to be your guide on the path to healing and self-discovery. I earned my Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) from Florida Memorial University, laying the groundwork for my dedication to social work and community support. Building on this foundation, I pursued my Master of Social Work (MSW) from New York University, deepening my skills and knowledge in the field. Helping people navigate life’s complexities is not just my profession; it’s my passion. I am driven by a profound commitment to empowering individuals to heal at their own pace. I believe in the uniqueness of every person’s journey, and I am here to provide a safe and supportive space for you to explore, express, and grow on your own terms.

Features of Transparent Space Therapy

Our Mission

Our mission is to create a space where individuals and couples feel open and supported in expressing themselves. We believe in the power of transparency, where honesty and authenticity pave the way for genuine connections and transformative healing.

What Sets Us Apart

Our business understands the nuances of modern life, offering a relatable and empathetic approach. We acknowledge that therapists, like everyone else, experience everyday stress. Transparency is not just a concept; it’s a way of life.

Why choose us

Transparent Space Therapy?

Holistic Approach: We believe in addressing mental health and life goals from a holistic
perspective, considering the mind, body, and spirit.

Safe and Supportive Environment: A space created where you can explore, heal, and grow without judgment.

Expertise in Trauma and Addictions: Benefit from specialized expertise in trauma and addictions, guiding you towards lasting recovery.

Open Conversation: Break down the barriers to communication; open conversation is the cornerstone of our approach.

Black student listening to mental health therapist
What we offer


Individual Counseling
Embark on a personalized therapeutic journey. Individual counseling is tailored to address your unique challenges, promote self-discovery, and empower you to navigate life's complexities.
Couples Counseling
Nurture your relationship through effective communication and understanding. Couples counseling focuses on strengthening connections, fostering intimacy, and navigating the challenges that arise within partnerships.
Trauma and Addiction Therapy
This service provides expert guidance to navigate the complexities of trauma and addiction, promoting recovery, resilience, and a renewed sense of well-being.

A healthier choice for a healthier you.

If you’re ready to explore your journey of healing and growth, we’re here to support you. Contact us to schedule a session, and together, let’s take the first step towards a more authentic and fulfilling life. 


What They Say About Us